Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St. Patricks Day

I taught Quinn what St. Patrick's Day was.  He didn't quite get it.  He thought it was cool to have green pancakes, green eggs, and green milk for breakfast.  Naturally, he wanted to wear green.  He learned about being pinched and immediately when to pinch his dad since he wasn't wearing green.
FYI: Quinn loves to help make the pancakes.  He was trying to make them look like dinosaurs.  That's why they're all funny shaped.
We didn't do much for St. Patrick's Day.  I was going to make him a scavenger hunt but never made it that far.  I let him make decorations for the windows.  We were putting them up during our freak snow storm. 
Then he played with Paxton's toy for the rest of the day after nap.
What a great toy!

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