Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My little helper boy

For about a month now I've been giving Quinn "chores" to do.  This hasn't been hard since he's so eager to help anyways.  Instead of finding his own ways to help, like putting things in the toilet or taking everything out of the dishwasher when I had just loaded it, I'd rather give him things to keep him busy.  So far he's helped me with a number of things.  He has started taking his own diaper to the trash and he puts the trash cans back where they belong after I've changed them.  He's tried vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, cooking, and dusting.  He becomes so proud of himself for helping.  I think it's cute how hard he tries.  Let's hope that this eagerness continues through his teenage years through adulthood.


Jessie said...

You are such a good mom! I should let Jed "help" more often than I do.

Bryan and Karalee said...

He is so cute!

Kari said...

So cute! Love the ones of mopping & vacuuming