Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve
New Year's Eve was so fun. I took a nap to make sure I'd be rested for the evening of events.
Mike and I went over to Dale and Sonnet's house. The boys were able to play digital death until 9:00 since Sonnet was working at the library. I was the only girl for a few so I was the fourth player. At first, the game was very confusing to me. Then I amazed myself and I think everyone else. The last round I got 5 kills. Way, better than 0.
When Sonnet finally arrived home she had an array of fondue. We had chocolate, cheese, and meat fondue. I've never had meat fondue and everyone seemed to love it! I pigged out mainly on chips and cheese! MmMmMm!
Mike and I made a trivia game that entailed New Years, 2009, and Christmas. For the most part I felt it was a success. A few of the questions were too hard to be answered but...oh well!
We played Catch Phrase and then expectantly....midnight struck. We popped out the sparkling cider and then debated what to do for the rest of the time. Tyler, Sonnet, and I went downstairs and played rock band until about 2:00 A.M. Everyone else just visited or found something else to do with their time.
By the time we were home nothing else was on our mind beside sleep.
Ben and Lindsay
Tyler and Caryn
Dale and Sonnet
Mike and Angie
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
We started out by taking a much needed nap. Then, neither of us felt like cooking so we went out for Chinese.
Afterward, we decided to go and rent a movie. (We rented The Carriers which was kind of lame and disappointing.) We copied our friends Caryn and Ty in that we also made a fort to watch our movie in. Since it didn't leave a good feeling afterward, we decided to watch clips from the movie Up.
Later, Mike was so nice and decided to give me a massage. Then, I think we got tired and went to bed....
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Mike!
His Grandma and Grandpa took us out to dinner at O'Brady's. Most of us ordered the chicken fried steak...
Then, Greg and Kristen including Gene and Karen came over for cake and icecream. Mike opened his presents getting Zelda: Four Feathers, a snuggie, and a steamer to help with ironing.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Mike!
Friday, December 25, 2009
At 12:00, we enjoyed a wonderful meal at Greg's and Kristen's. I think they were happy with the fact that they were able to host Christmas dinner. They recently moved back from Boise in August. They were renting out their house and unfortunately their renters didn't leave their house in very good condition. They had to fix it up; repaint and get new carpet. Now, their house looks like new and is nice and comfortable.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve, Mike and I, and his family went over to his Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner.
After dinner Joy gave Mike and Greg their Christmas present (if you can call it that.) It was packaged...
Joy, Greg, and Karen were willing to give it a try. The rest of us were trying as hard as we could to not vomit everywhere. Mike was funny about the whole. Joy stated that Mike had to eat some since she did. He continued to try but when he would get it close to his mouth he'd back out. One time he actually put it in his mouth and then spit it right back out. Karen suggested for him to try to cut off a piece instead of eating the whole thing. He did so and managed a small chew and quickly swallowed it as fast as he could. Let's say I didn't kiss that gross mouth for quite some time.
Our Baby Story
I didn't know what Mike would think and was super nervous to tell him. Mike wasn't yet up so I woke him up by shoving the pee stick in his face. He was groggy and didn't show much emotion so I was kind of confused. He did manage to tell me congrats and assured me that he was happy for our situation.
Now, he is really cute about the whole thing. The hardest part was me forbiding him not to tell anyone. He was good about it and did what I asked.
Currently, I am 4 months along and am due June 10, 2010. I find out what we're having on Jan. 12.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Adoption Celebration
It reads: Time spent with family and friends is time well spent.