Monday, March 12, 2012

Quinn & thoughts

 Quinn was fascinated by the ice hanging off of the roof.  I had to get him one to see what he would do with it.  He played it but didn't care for how cold it was.  He was enthralled.
 Quinn let me do his hair.  He saw that I had my hair done in a ponytail and came to bring me some elastics to do his.
 This is Quinn's first experience with painting.  Karen had given me a blank old newspaper roll. We just used that and it worked great.  Quinn even got to the point where he would tear off another sheet to place on top to continue painting when he ran out of room.  He was very good with the paints and didn't make a mess...surprisingly!
 He had just gotten a new sheet for himself.
 We took Quinn to PetCo to see the animals.  He loved it! He kept wanting to get picked up to get a better view.  When he wasn't being held, he would run around pointing and schreeking for us to look.  Quinn LOVES animals so this was a very fun outing for him.  I think his favorite were the birds.
38 weeks 3 days
Can you tell I wear pajamas a lot?  Do you blame me?  This was also a Sunday evening right before bed.   I do need to get a picture of me in "real" clothes, though.

The big day is almost here.  I go in on Thursday to have this baby.  I get asked all the time; am I excited? Well, yes!!! I want to see my baby and move onto the next stage.  At the same time, I'm also anxious.  I'm not excited about the c-section.  Who would be, right?

It's the recovery that scares me.  I think a lot of my anxieties come because my experience with Quinn was so horrible.  This time it will be different.  I know I'll get through it and I know I'll need lots of help.  I also know lots of other women have gone through this and they all made it.  It's mainly Quinn I worry about.  He's so young and I won't be able to pick him up.  I don't think he'll understand.  I know he'll adjust quickly.  Kids have a way of doing that.  We've kind of have been practicing.  I can hold him though.  I try to not carry him around.  If I cuddle him, he's just sitting on my lap. 

Mike has been wonderful during these last weeks of pregnancy.  He's been getting up with Quinn in the night.  He puts him to bed and takes care of his basic needs.  He spends time with him so I can nap or do other things.  He does all of this without asking and being expected to.  He loves being with Quinn so it comes naturally.

Side note: I've been kind of in my own little world being pregnant, dealing with the pregnancy pains, and Quinn being sick off and on.  I've had a real eye opener.  Not that anything has particularly happened to me.  I've heard lots of things or been aware of others trials these last couple of weeks.  I won't name anything in particular since they're not my experiences or stories to tell.  People are going through some rough things.  The thing is; no one knows.  They're doing an awesome job working through it and keeping such a positive attitude.  It makes my trails seem so much less than they really are.

Knowing this makes me love them so much more.  They are all examples to me.  It makes me want to help and be there for others; to be more service oriented and to get over myself.

Hopefully, I can keep this mind set during my time of recooperation and recovery with having this baby.

P.S. Quinn weighs 32.8 lbs. Can you believe how he's growing?  This weight is from two weeks ago.


Bryan and Karalee said...

32.8 lbs????? I believe it, but Wow!!! He is so darn cute though! I am so excited to meet your new little baby! It is going to be so fun to get together because all 4 of our boys will be within 3.5 years of eachother, how fun for them!! Yay for cousins!

p.s. Quinn is quite the artist with those paints!

Jessie said...

I am sooo excited for you and your new baby! I've heard planned c-sections are totally the way to go: no pain, no complications, just a beautiful baby. Best wishes!!!

P.S. We should get Jed and Quinn together one day to play.