Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Day!

Quinn at an Easter egg hunt with SO many eggs. Quinn isn't quite sure what to do with them all but he sure loves them. He's still infatuated with them. They have been keeping him well entertained.

Oh and guess what! He turned 11 months today.

We went to my parent's house for Easter dinner and visited with the few siblings that decided to join us. It was a wonderful day. I think the best part (although I do enjoy family) was sacrament meeting. I think our ward did a good job bringing in the true spirit of Easter. It was a good time of reflection and being reminded of our Savior and His love for us. The music was the BEST. If it was on a CD I'd listen to it over and over again. Our choir sounded like heaven. I was quite impressed. Of course, the primary did so well on their songs too.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

What a cutie! We need to get our boys together someday.