Friday, August 5, 2011

Quinn can walk!

Quinn finally learns how to walk. He's been so close for so long. Like I said before, he just lacked the confidence. Each day he would take a few more and then a few more. Finally, one day he just took off. I can't believe his speed either.

He's so cute. We've been clapping for him and shouting "Hooray" when he takes steps. Now, before he takes his steps, he begins to clap for himself. It's a way for him to prepare us and to let us know to clap for him too. He definitely is proud of himself. He for sure knows we are proud of him as well!

When he walks, it's like he's a drunken soldier. Everyone said I'd hate it because he'll start getting into everything. Well, the truth is; he was mobile enough that he already was. I absolutely love that he is walking. I'm so proud of my little man even though he's now 14 months old.

He likes to hold onto a golf club as he circles around the house. It reminds me of a blind man's stick...but he's drunk while using it. He made Mike and I laugh a lot this night. We got him at the tail end when he was getting tired so he isn't quite as funny. You'll get the point.


Kari said...

Way to go Quinn! Hurray for you!

Bryan and Karalee said...

It was so cute to watch him walk. He is getting so fast!!! I love it, I can't wait to see it for reals! Good Job Quinners!